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  1. H

    Giants to Parcells: No thanks, but we'll talk to your son-in-law!

    What a tabloid story that Star-Ledger piece was. What a tabloid reporter that Paul Needel is. I mean, that story could not be more tabloid. Anonymous, single source. How tabloid.
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    Fantastic Four (You all are going to love me for this)

    Out: I took your advice and went to Wikipedia. Good advice; got the scoop. And yes SS versus Torchboy = no contest.
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    Fantastic Four (You all are going to love me for this)

    Riddick: You are correct. I do love you. Thanks for that. I agree with you, it looks, well, fantastic. I must admit, however, I forget just what exactly the Silver Surfer is. I know he is an advance scout for that giant planet eater dude. Care to detail the SS back story?
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    Star Trek Voyager marathon

    B-5 won awards and was a hit with some critics because it wasn't Star Trek. It was the cool alternative. But it really sucked badly. I watch ALL Sci-Fi; I'm an addict but could not stand that show. It was the biggest piece of crap I've seen since the Buck Rogers remake in the 80s. By the way...
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    Star Trek Voyager marathon

    B-5: The most overrated show in Sci-Fi history. Bad plot lines, bad acting, bad special effects.
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    Star Trek Voyager marathon

    EStreet: My bad. The new one. It's unbelievably good. It steals a lot of shirt from Star Trek which is understandable since one of the Battlestar creators is a former DS9 and Voyager guy, but it is one of the most creative TV sci-fi shows I have ever seen.
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    Star Trek Voyager marathon

    Out: Star Trek is so popular because it shows a human race that has overcome war, poverty, racism and George Bush. Top Star Treks The Next Generation: Mediocre captain, good enemies, cool new ship with saucer section the disconnects. Data and Worf the best characters. Enterprise: You guys are...
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    Star Trek Voyager marathon

    Out: Do not be scared, my brother. Embrace your inner Trekker. If you do, you will live long and prosper. Colonel: Watched the same animated series. It was great and you are wrong. Anyone who believes that Voyager was boring needs to seek medical attention. You have been sniffing too much...
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    Star Trek Voyager marathon

    The top five captains: 5. Christopher Pike. First captain of the Enterprise. First to break Warp 9. 4. Jean Luc Picard. The most overrated captain in Federation history. Allowed himself to be captured by the Borg and mined for strategic secrets. Millions died because of him. Defeated no major...
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    NY Times "Feel Good" Jets Coverage

    Shockey: Your post is just about the most sexist forking piece of shirt I have seen on this board and that is saying something. Congratulations. You are not far behind Boom.
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    Bill Rhoden makes me puke

    Hey Ben: If you are going to rip other writers, at least know how to spell Fran's name correctly.
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    Ian O'Connor to Bergen County Record

    Birdscribe: Yes, excellent point. I will fetch you a Pacifico. Right after I fetch you a napkin to remove the remaining traces of DNA from your chin after your Ian post.
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    Ian O'Connor to Bergen County Record

    Thanks for that Ian. Good luck in the new job.
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    Another Worthless Sports Reporters Panel (12/10) . . .

    Ben: Thanks for starting this useless thread with your usual bitter and jealous bullshirt.
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    Chris Ballard's "Air and Space" this week

    Thanks for posting Chris.
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    Strahan vs. Reporter

    Mike V: Since you write for the NY Post, you know all about vile, misinformed bullshirt. So I grant you expert status. Please, feel free to come on the board and vent righteously apoplectic after great guy Shockey, one of the worst backstabbers in our business, takes yet another shot at a...
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    Ric Bucher and his personal deity, Kobe Bryant - Egregious Examples #1 & #2

    Re: Ric Bucher once again courts the favor of his personal deity, Kobe Bryant I think that post by RokSki was jealous piece of shirt post of the year.
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    Strahan vs. Reporter

    Shockey has long been a sexist jerk. And he has always attacked people who go after stories that he was too lazy to chase himself.
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    Tim Brown Leaving L.A. Times for Yahoo

    Thanks for checking in Tim.
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    Daily News Yankees beat

    Hey Shockey: It is unbelievable that you of all people are saying that crap about Borden. At least Borden's editor wasn't always threatening to yank him from the beat.