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  1. 8

    Salary survey

    Is money that important when you're getting to do what you love? It's not like we're starving. Plenty of people are far worse off.
  2. 8

    No-hitters and Your Paper

    Appropos of nothing in this conversation but still needs to be brought up by somebody - Mark Buehrle is one of the best guys in all of sports. Candid. Accessible. And 100 percent real.
  3. 8

    All-purpose college basketball thread

    The Notre Dame basketball team is better than its football team this year. Who'd have thought it.
  4. 8

    One of the coldest Februarys in recent years

    You are a complete forking idiot.
  5. 8


    It's extremely plausible, though. Think of how many times throughout the show that some dumbass killed or let go of the only person who could shed light on what was going on. Henry Gale/Ben. Ethan. Carl. The list just goes on and on and on. At this point, I don't doubt that Sayid's desire to get...
  6. 8

    One of the coldest Februarys in recent years

    Because scientists were wrong in the '70s, they must be wrong now? Yeah, that's not a logic fallacy at all.
  7. 8

    SI's "Ohio State: The Program"

    The reason they picked Ohio State is because it has the largest athletic department in the country - most varsity sports, etc.
  8. 8 national college football editor

    Looks like a really interesting gig: Date posted: 3/1/2007 Organization: Job listing: National College Football Editor Information: Job Title: National College Football Editor Location: Nashville, Tenn. Salary range: $44,000-$48,000 Company Information:
  9. 8

    SI's "Ohio State: The Program"

    Did we ever talk about this issue? I really enjoyed Wertheim's look at the various aspect of Ohio State's Fortune 500esque athletic program, from Greg Oden on down to a vendor. A lot of quick reads that contributed to an overall theme. Great enterprise journalism that wouldn't be out of place in...
  10. 8

    Glenn Beck propositions woman on live TV

    markvid - I agree with you to a point. But he just kept pushing it and pushing it and pushing it and you knew where it was headed. Reminds me of the way pedophiles try to move the conversation toward sex in chat rooms. Same conversation dynamics. And it seemed to be one of those things where if...
  11. 8

    Glenn Beck propositions woman on live TV

    What's funny is Olbermann said in Rolling Stone this week that Beck was such a loose cannon closet bigot that eventually he would say something that would get him tossed off the air for good. This actually might do the trick.
  12. 8

    Zoeller suing over wikipedia entry

    A lot of it is sourced now. At least it's supposed to be. So that's helping. Beyond stuff like this, it's a terrific idea and has been one of the best things to come out of Al Gore's invention. Time had a good story last week about how it will be interesting to see how long this spirit of...
  13. 8

    Boom, you have a soulmate on this Notre Dame fan forum

    Are you a closet poster on ND Nation?
  14. 8

    Boom, you have a soulmate on this Notre Dame fan forum

    Check out "Mickey's" comment, then check out the writer:;pid=336033;d=this
  15. 8

    ESPN: The Magazine HGH story

    TV guy looking for what stories to cover by reading the newspaper ... hmmmm ... you don't say?
  16. 8

    Covering the SUPER BOWL

    Because we're reporters, not stenographers.
  17. 8

    "A town divided"

    Northwest Indiana is on Chicago time. A lot of people there commute to Chicago for work. It's a 30-minute drive to see the Bears as opposed to three hours to go watch the Colts play. The Bears are on television every game while the Colts, until the local cable package picked up the South Bend...
  18. 8

    In honor of the Senior Bowl ... the Wonderlic test!

    They get tough, don't they? Yet every joe blow out there who hears about NFL players' scores sees a couple of the easy questions and boasts about he would ace the thing.