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  1. D

    To Dodge or not?

    I have info if anybody wants it. PM me. Also, the circ is down to about 6K now.
  2. D

    Source: Oklahoma City team name to be Thunder

    Yeah because every name in the league sounds so much better than that. Clippers? Heat? Magic? It's about on par with those.
  3. D

    Source: Oklahoma City team name to be Thunder

    I'm not a big fan of the name. But, it's no more stupid than Miami Heat or Orlando Magic.
  4. D

    Sonics headed to OKC, money headed to Seattle

    Why would karma punish the people of OKC? They didn't do anything wrong.
  5. D

    Sonics headed to OKC, money headed to Seattle

    That is where the team is from now......
  6. D

    Sonics headed to OKC, money headed to Seattle

    Re: UPDATE: Sonics headed to OKC, money headed to Seattle Not a problem at all slick.
  7. D

    Sonics headed to OKC, money headed to Seattle

    Re: UPDATE: Sonics headed to OKC, money headed to Seattle I'm pretty sure league-wide the NBA is required to sell a certain number of cheap seats. But when games weren't sold out for the Hornets it wasn't because the expensive seats weren't sold. The expensive seats were always sold. People...
  8. D

    Sonics headed to OKC, money headed to Seattle

    Re: UPDATE: Sonics headed to OKC, money headed to Seattle Well, we proved we deserve an NBA team. We have one now and will continue to prove we deserve it. This doesn't make us bad people and the venom and the trashing of the city needs to stop. Schultz won't win his lawsuit no matter how many...
  9. D

    Sonics headed to OKC, money headed to Seattle

    Re: UPDATE: Sonics headed to OKC, money headed to Seattle I meant OKC and it's suburbs. You know, OKC isn't as big as Seattle but it isn't exactly tiny. It keeps growing by the way. It's come a long way in just the last 10 years. So people flipping out that the Sonics are moving to a smaller...
  10. D

    Sonics headed to OKC, money headed to Seattle

    Re: UPDATE: Sonics headed to OKC, money headed to Seattle He said during his press conference he was having duplicate banners and trophies made because he feels he bought the history when he bought everything else relating to the team. He also said the city of Seattle could have the originals...
  11. D

    Sonics headed to OKC, money headed to Seattle

    Re: UPDATE: Sonics headed to OKC, money headed to Seattle Oklahoma has supported everything required for sporting venues in Oklahoma. They threw all their support in for the Redhawks stadium, threw it all in for the Ford Center and recently threw it all in for the renovations on the Ford...
  12. D

    Sonics headed to OKC, money headed to Seattle

    Re: UPDATE: Sonics headed to OKC, money headed to Seattle Well I say it as a lifelong OKC resident, people will support the team. Bennett is a huge basketball and sports fan and he also loves OKC. He'll continue to support the team and the people will too. The people here are starved for pro...
  13. D

    Sonics headed to OKC, money headed to Seattle

    Re: UPDATE: Sonics headed to OKC, money headed to Seattle I never said you said the bombing thing. I said the amount of venom I've seen directed at OKC (not just here, on and on other boards) makes it seem like that's what people want to happen.
  14. D

    Sonics headed to OKC, money headed to Seattle

    Re: UPDATE: Sonics headed to OKC, money headed to Seattle More bashing on the city. Yes the city of OKC, not Clay Bennett, went and stole the team. Let's blame them. Everyone in the city should die. Why don't we just bomb every building like the federal building!? That'll teach those dirty...
  15. D

    Sonics headed to OKC, money headed to Seattle

    Re: UPDATE: Sonics headed for OKC, $75 million headed to Seattle Yes, but let's blame the people of OKC. Let's just hope they fail to punish one man.
  16. D

    Sports Editor, Dodge City (Kan.) Daily Globe

    So I went back for a wedding, and I discovered they are losing another reporter and several people on the ad side. The whole place is going downhill seemingly.
  17. D

    Sports Editor, Dodge City (Kan.) Daily Globe

    Well interesting news on this one. The publisher announced he's leaving, and his last day is the 28th. So that leaves this place with: two reporters (one is filling in as interim ME), a designer/clerk and a photographer/designer.
  18. D

    Sports Editor, Dodge City (Kan.) Daily Globe

    I'm heading back to Oklahoma City (where i grew up) and I don't know what I'm going to do. I've been thinking of going to work for the state. Better pay, better hours, better benefits. And it gives me time to play rugby again(i played in college).
  19. D

    Sports Editor, Dodge City (Kan.) Daily Globe

    Well one of the problems is (and i think it's probably that way at a lot of papers) is in the past they've had a 2-3 person staff to cover all the sports in the area. Then they cut it to one and the people don't understand why there is one so you're expected to still try to cover what 2-3 guys...
  20. D

    Sports Editor, Dodge City (Kan.) Daily Globe

    I don't care about blowing my cover.......I'm the one departing this job. If you want info PM me.