da man said:
What's the problem here? If the lede said Benoit's rampage could not have been caused by steroids and used this to back it up, that would be a problem. But this is not the primary source for the story. Far from it. This story says steroids were found in Benoit's home and authorities are investigating a link between steroids and the incident. It also has quotes about his prior steroid use from his doctor and mentions an investigation about the place that might have supplied him. All this quote does is set up WWE's position on the matter. Now if they find steroids played a part, WWE can be called on the carpet with a direct quote. Plus, there's a decent little nugget in there -- WWE says Benoit tested negative on April 10.
I have no issue with the use of this quote. As a primary source, it would be terrible journalism. That's not the case here.
Thank you da_man. When I read the Benoit story, I thought it was fair as well. I also thought the quote from the WWE lawyer was simply a quote to state WWE's position and that was fair, too. There were numerous other sources and I'm betting the police/investigators did not want to be quoted publicly since their investigation was ongoing. The writer definitely did not use the lawyer as the main source of the story. I sure didn't read it like he did. He pretty much buried it at the end.
I don't think anyone was trying to slant a story in any such way. The writer was somewhat handcuffed by exactly how much information he could get and from what perspectives. The only thing I see here is some people over-reacting and criticizing something that shouldn't be criticized.
I'm glad you saw it, too, becuase I was beginning to question myself until I read your post. So, again, thank you da_man.