I'd like to see some tiny-house communities in SoCal, and I have always wished builders would invest a little more in building smaller standard-sized homes -- say, on the order of 1,000 to 1,600 square-foot, 2-bd, 2-ba or small 3-and-2's, instead of the seemingly bigger and bigger homes that are being produced all the time now.
So many people have so much in this country that we seem to no longer realize how little we actually really need most of the time. I've always believed a focus on minimalist-but-enough-to-be-comfortable housing would actually work out well -- and, theoretically, be much more affordable -- for many, many people. I've always thought a builder could get rich catering to people seeking such living arrangements -- young, starting-out couples/families, singles, elderly, people coming to the realization I have and wanting to downsize...but this need doesn't seem to be addressed in this area.
My own dream home would be modest: a one-storey (do you know how hard it is to find single-storey homes in SoCal these days?) 2- or 3-bedroom, 2 bath home of about 1,200 square feet that included a garage. It'd be nice to have a small outdoor space, just enough to sit out if I wanted, or to let a dog out. That's it. I'd be very happy with that, and I'd bet a lot of other people could be, too.