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Christmas 2021 - Omicron version

Oh, goodness. The best way to watch Davy and Goliath is in the wee hours of the morning after everyone has reached their too tired to give a damn phase. My hypotheses on different nights: Sally is a ghost. Sally is a sister-wife. Goliath's ability to speak is due to demonic possession. Davy thinks Goliath can speak because he borrowed some of his dad's brown stamps to send hate mail to Madalyn Murray O'Hare.
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Dolly Parton's "Hard Candy Christmas" came up on the holiday playlist while I was making breakfast this morning, and in listening it suddenly occurred to me that a hard candy Christmas sounds really depressing.
That has long been the saying in our family for rough times. Last year when my parents were quarantining and I was by myself on 12-25 was the epitome of hard candy Christmas.
This will go down in the books as my Hard Kibble Christmas. I now know why my cat has been getting so damned fat. She clawed her way into two bags of kibble. I stopped her and redirected her to her bowl which was full of the same kibble. A few minutes later, I heard rustling in the pantry. Little Miss had her whole head in the hole, eating like a small, starved orphan. I yelled at her and she forgot how to get her head out of the cat food hole. After thrashing for a minute, she gave up and uttered a single "meow."

Picking up the bag to sweep up the errant pieces of kibble revealed she's clawed her way into another bag. More sweeping, more swearing. ::sigh::

Happy birthday, Jesus!

Happy holidays to everyone.
Highlights from a very special Cycling Christmas.

— my five-year-old son has declared this the best Christmas ever. He got a plethora of gifts ranging from the bizarre to the sublime. A mecha Godzilla and a MegaZord being the tops. He also got some 1980s style clothing from my mother.
— I surprised my wife with some Spode Christmas plates and she was happy.
— my uncle banned my anti-vax sister from his house for Christmas Eve dinner. This made me chuckle in a way that is hard to believe.
— my brother surprised my mom by coming home announced. She was thrilled.
— I got abbey road on my vinyl from my kids. That was a score.
— my cousin apparently got a jacket made out of his family's rec room furniture from the 1970s.

Merry Christmas to the rest of you filthy animals.
Merry Christmas to all. We really pulled in our horns this Christmas. Just the two of us, and we kinda set all the traditional scramble and frenzy aside. We have reservations at our favorite Chinese place, and just decided to say "screw it" and do it next week when it isn't crazy. This is shaping up as a cuddle up, have a couple of drinks, watch some movies quiet Christmas, and I think we're both good with that.
Carolina oyster roast on Christmas Eve
Bloody Mary on the beach this morning (it was warm enough to wear shorts)
You know what Christmas tradition I miss? The Blue Gray game.

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