Boobie Miles said:Write-brained said:I'll ignore ums and uhs, but that's because I don't see them as words, they're sounds.
Otherwise I quote what they said because that's what the quotes signify. Reactions of the speakers have gone both ways. A communications major recently asked me to change her quote in an online story (that also ran in print) to "ever saw" to "ever seen." Sorry, not what she said.
I also had a source tell me her mom called me the day the story ran to scold her for saying "ain't." She wasn't mad. She laughed. "My mom's been yelling at me about that for years. I need to get better about that."
And believe it or not, I had a source the other day tell me she liked talking to me better than my predecessor because I didn't clean up her quotes. "You print exactly what I say."
If you're being interviewed, wouldn't you feel odd to see your quotes cleaned up the next day? I know the reporter might be trying to be helpful but I wouldn't trust them again because they're taking liberties with what I said.
What if the person corrected herself during the conversation? Would have changed if she said "It was the greatest play I've ever saw... I mean, I've ever seen" right away? Would you have used ellipses to skip past the part that the corrected? Would you print it as is? If you would change it right then though, why not change it when they called? It's still their words isn't it? Like if I write a story and send it in, but then re-read it later and realize I spelled a name wrong I call and make sure it gets corrected for later editions.
I think the hard-line stance on not cleaning up a quote fails to take into consideration the conversational nature of some interviews -- which also happen to the best type IMO.
Oops, I wasn't clear ... she wanted me to change the quote in the online version on the same day in ran in the paper ...
I'm not a gotcha guy. I let people talk their thoughts out and correct themselves if it's still their own word ... but I only use the best quotes for my stories ...