Dear "Kwame", the "aspiring" "sports writer" who believes he is the next Rick Reilly,
I hate to be the one to break this to you bub but you might be the worst writer I have ever seen in my life. Not only do you insist on covering national sports topics with about the same intelligence as you would expect from internet trolls but you insist on sending these "articles" out to each and every newspaper regardless of size, demographic and/or interest and, frankly, no one gives a ship about you or your "talents".
I applaud you for being so determined to rise "to the top" but, sadly, you don't have it. Perhaps you should consider working your way up the ladder and starting at a small paper instead of thinking that someone, somewhere is going to see your latest take on Dwight Howard or the NBA Free Agency battle and say to themselves "Man, this is the voice of the people! I must hire this fella!".
Look, I can understand how tough it is to break in this business and how, when you're not in it, all you want to do is get a chance to prove you belong. The email of a news editor of a small podunk newspaper is going to get you nowhere, however.
So, please, stop wasting my time. I am not interested in your take on Chad Ochocinco any more than I am interested in hearing the grocery store clerk tell me what she thinks about Obamacare. I have better things to do with my time and reading your spam is not one of them.
Good luck on your career. I truly wish you well. Just leave me the hell alone.