Something similar just happened to me last least I had to determine whether to write about a coaches attitude after a game or not.
For the record, I'm not much for coach's quotes following a game. The reasoning is that many times, the game isn't viewed any differently from the sidelines, than from the stands (or press box). There are many scenarios when it's necessary to visit with a coach immediately after a game, so it's a pretty flexible rule for me. In this case, I had about 20 minutes to bang out a good-sized gamer so any quotes were good ones. Typically, I like to rely on player quotes. They are more willing to talk if they appreciate your credibility and they have the best view of what's happening at critical times.
The coach didn't respond very professionally to: 1. my presence, as he felt I was late (I was speaking with a player while he was finishing up with other writers) and 2. the first question I asked, which got one of the strangest responses I've heard.
I told the coach, thanks for trying, but nevermind and walked back to finish my story.
I used the quote, as it was indicative of the guy's attitude and the fact that he was acting like a jack-ass. Any coach that complains about officiating in an emotional tirade isn't much of a coach and people should read about that and make the determination themselves.
In my case, the reporting of the coach's response ended up being very timely.