The prep sports editor at the state's largest newspaper has been making several mistakes with names this football season. I'm at a paper in the local area with his paper and we have shared information, including rosters (typed out so they should be easy to read). However, in the past two weeks, he has basically made up last names for some kids in the area. These are on teams which I also cover so I know. For example, a kid with the last name Hudson was referred to as Henderson in a preview story last week. Same story had a wrong name for another player, which should have been Johns, but the story listed the kids last name as Johnson. A third mistake, also in a preview story, listed a kid as Blakely, when his last name is Blakenship. I've e-mailed the SE at the this paper and they've run one correction and may run the other two soon. The guy making the mistakes is somewhat of a legend in this state. I guess my question is, how long will this be allowed to go on? How many times can you screw up kids names? One more thing to ponder, the guy is in his 60s, I wonder if he's getting were he can't read very well anymore. Maybe this is the problem. Has anyone ever had to tell someone on their staff, they needed to have their eyes checked?