I need help.
Don't laugh.
I'm trying to save my marriage without turning my life into a fate worse than divorce.
I am a sports editor at a Big 12 daily.
We are big enough to take half our staff (two people) on the road for football, to travel frequently for men's and women's basketball, baseball, to not always be nickle and dimed about the hotel's we stay in, etc. While, at the same time, we are small to the point that, while I am SE, primary columnist and a flat out beat writer during the winter and spring, in addition to being SE and columnist, nobody does more desk than me either. The prospect of having to write a real-meaty-with-great-art 900 word feature and lay out three pages of our four page section all between 6:30 p.m. and midnight, well, let's just say it used to be daunting. But now, if I've got all my notes and my tape transcribed, well, hell, piece of cake.
I know some of you have lived this sort of life.
I love the writing and the covering and the events. I mean, I like being a sports journalist and I'm good at it. In my particular predicament, what I've described above, I feel I'm unmatched. And still, I never thought I'd be where I am for so long, though everything but my employer is great — home, family, neighborhood, much of the work (but not all) — except for the fact that what the job specifically requires is killing my marriage.
I envy the guys at the big metro papers. When they're done, they're done.
When we're done, there are still pages to read, desk, whatever. We're never done.
So, while I would love a job with the big metro down the street, at this point it wouldn't even have to be sports, there is still just one big metro down the street and one other about 100 miles away that maybe, possibly, the right job could come up that wouldn't require uprooting my family. But that's very doubtful.
So, any advice?
What can I do as a freelancer? (I do a fair amount of freelancing already, but not enough to do it full time)
Where does one go to work in PR? or marketing? Who in the hell do I call?
What else might my writing skills, desktop publishing skills, etc, translate into?
Could I possibly syndicate myself? (already, through our chain, my columns appear in several newspapers around the state)
What about being a consultant? Has anybody put out their own shingle?
(Because I just know I can help papers like mine and smaller all over the place with their headlines, their layout, their writing; on this, I have no question. I must do everything right now and I do it all well)
Politics is my other great pashion; well, that and hold'em. Any ideas there?
I'm just hoping for a few ideas or a few life experiences I might learn from.
I love my wife.
I love my daughter.
I even love the business.
But I get off about 12:30 a.m. five nights a week and those nights always include Friday and Saturday.
Don't laugh.
I'm trying to save my marriage without turning my life into a fate worse than divorce.
I am a sports editor at a Big 12 daily.
We are big enough to take half our staff (two people) on the road for football, to travel frequently for men's and women's basketball, baseball, to not always be nickle and dimed about the hotel's we stay in, etc. While, at the same time, we are small to the point that, while I am SE, primary columnist and a flat out beat writer during the winter and spring, in addition to being SE and columnist, nobody does more desk than me either. The prospect of having to write a real-meaty-with-great-art 900 word feature and lay out three pages of our four page section all between 6:30 p.m. and midnight, well, let's just say it used to be daunting. But now, if I've got all my notes and my tape transcribed, well, hell, piece of cake.
I know some of you have lived this sort of life.
I love the writing and the covering and the events. I mean, I like being a sports journalist and I'm good at it. In my particular predicament, what I've described above, I feel I'm unmatched. And still, I never thought I'd be where I am for so long, though everything but my employer is great — home, family, neighborhood, much of the work (but not all) — except for the fact that what the job specifically requires is killing my marriage.
I envy the guys at the big metro papers. When they're done, they're done.
When we're done, there are still pages to read, desk, whatever. We're never done.
So, while I would love a job with the big metro down the street, at this point it wouldn't even have to be sports, there is still just one big metro down the street and one other about 100 miles away that maybe, possibly, the right job could come up that wouldn't require uprooting my family. But that's very doubtful.
So, any advice?
What can I do as a freelancer? (I do a fair amount of freelancing already, but not enough to do it full time)
Where does one go to work in PR? or marketing? Who in the hell do I call?
What else might my writing skills, desktop publishing skills, etc, translate into?
Could I possibly syndicate myself? (already, through our chain, my columns appear in several newspapers around the state)
What about being a consultant? Has anybody put out their own shingle?
(Because I just know I can help papers like mine and smaller all over the place with their headlines, their layout, their writing; on this, I have no question. I must do everything right now and I do it all well)
Politics is my other great pashion; well, that and hold'em. Any ideas there?
I'm just hoping for a few ideas or a few life experiences I might learn from.
I love my wife.
I love my daughter.
I even love the business.
But I get off about 12:30 a.m. five nights a week and those nights always include Friday and Saturday.