What I can't get past in Hughes movies are how adults are almost universally buffoonish. Even as a teen, I felt that way. There were teachers I had that had bits and pieces of what Hughes portrayed in his movies, but it was almost never the whole picture and never so over-the-top. If it were a movie or two, no big deal, but it's a theme that runs through almost every Hughes movie, especially ones that were teen-kid oriented. ship, even Home Alone is based on a ridiculous premise that parents would leave a kid behind for a flight-based vacation.
This buffoonery works very well in Ferris Bueller's Day Off, because the whole movie is a fantasy comedy in the first place. Same for Weird Science where the whole thing is absurdist.
The other movies? Particularly Breakfast Club? It comes off as over-done or betrays a very weird world view from Hughes himself as an adult. It's almost like his teen movies were a revenge tour for ship that happened to him when he was younger. (The Vernon character is based on a wrestling coach who failed him when Hughes was in school.)