Here, apparently, is what Kim does when she's not putting out fires. Ironic, to say the least.
Here's a bio from the web site:
"kim ETHEREDGE (los angeles)
i grew up in los angeles, entertainment capital of the world. sun, water, fun,
convertibles...the west coast is a beautiful place, but it is hard on hair.
participating in all of these everyday activities was a privilege, but try blow-
drying your hair to style — now that
was a nuisance, not to mention bad for
my hair. in a place obsessed with looks,
my life was heck. my hair is naturally
curly, but i could never wear it out
because i had to use too many products
to get the right look. i had to search
from one end of the store to the other
to concoct a combination for my "unruly,
kinky, wild hair." that was not only
a pain, but expensive too! lucky for me
i met wendi."