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Let me ask this to any publicists in the house?

swenk said:
jason_whitlock said:
If you and a client were getting bent on painkillers and your client became loopy and non-responsive what would you tell the police and paramedics when they arrived?

I'm just asking an innocent question.

I'm not a publicist, but I'm an agent for sports celebs and sportswriters (literary agent, to be specific)--maybe I can answer anyway.

No decent human (or agent) can risk covering up a potential suicide, drug OD, etc. Imagine the fallout if Kim Etheredge had done nothing at all. You have to make that 911 call, and you have to be honest. In a less urgent situation, you might also call someone else in the entourage, someone who is thinking more clearly than you might be at the moment. Hysteria makes people do crazy things.

My personal analogy goes back some years to a client who was rip-roaring drunk, about to attempt to drive about fifty miles to his home. Big star, just sat at the bar too long after a book-signing. We walk outside (I walk, he weaves), and he can barely get into his car. I'm trying not to panic--but if he drives off, do I call the police? Do I let him go and pray for the best? The publicity would have been a disaster--but nothing compared to a worst-case scenario.

I should add that I'm female, and he was somewhat entertained by an impromptu game of 'Wrestle For the Keys!' until the parking valet caught on and went to get a manager, who handled the situation discreetly. Lucky, that time.

I wish Etheredge had presented herself more professionally yesterday, but she clearly acted out of concern, and she'll be blamed for the fallout.

Good contribution, swenk. Nice detail.

Can I PM you my manuscript?
She kinda reminds me of Bambi in "The Great White Hype" without all of the brains or savvy
swenk said:
Ace said:
Good contribution, swenk. Nice detail.

Can I PM you my manuscript?

Okay, but we're no longer accepting clients who take prescription painkillers. :)

It's not my prescription. So am I OK, still?
jason_whitlock said:
If you and a client were getting bent on painkillers and your client became loopy and non-responsive what would you tell the police and paramedics when they arrived?

I'm just asking an innocent question.

First off, I wouldn't get loopy on pain meds, but that's just me.

As a person, I'd call 9-1-1 if I felt my client was in need of medical attention. As a PR guy, my next calls would be to the media reps for the local police, EMS and hospital to advise them of the situation at hand. The more they know up front, the more they can control the information and chances for leaks lessen (but if something does leak, you have a good idea from where it came).

I don't know the full details of what happened between Owens and Etheridge, nor do I really want to know at this point. But if she was almost as loopy as Owens, then she did her client a tremendous disservice.
Moderator1 said:
You can, Ace, when she gets done with MINE. Get yer ass in line.

I should be able to jump to the front of the line because I'm good-looking, I'm biracial, I make the most money and I play for the most popular team.
Clever username said:
I should be able to jump to the front of the line because I'm good-looking, I'm biracial, I make the most money and I play for the most popular team.

Kim Etheredge??

If not, can I buy you a beer?
swenk said:
Clever username said:
I should be able to jump to the front of the line because I'm good-looking, I'm biracial, I make the most money and I play for the most popular team.

Kim Etheredge??

If not, can I buy you a beer?

You may. I enjoy Labatt Blue.
As a P.R. person how often do you spend the afternoon, dinner and into the night at your client's home? Don't you have other clients you need to take care of?
EStreetJoe said:
As a P.R. person how often do you spend the afternoon, dinner and into the night at your client's home? Don't you have other clients you need to take care of?
Well, wouldn't that all depend on who has the best pain meds and how willing they are to share them?
Why was she there?

This was the most bizare day in sports journalism history. It had everything you wanted:

--A drama queen overdosing on pain pills

---The police department holding a press conference and refusing to confirm or deny the info in a police report (what was the purpose of the presser?)

---A grumpy coach who walked out on the press conference (cliche)

----The drama queen acting like nothing happen. Bet he staged it just to make sure people loved him and cared about him.

And the topper: After nearly dying on pain kills, having to deny he tried to commit suicide, after saying he is not depressed we get the final question of the interview:

"Are you going to play on Saturday?"

I hope he saved some pills for me.

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