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Let me know if you can run this and how much it'll cost.

Because the judge is a gosh darn idiot. It's simple. Play all sports, regardless of gender, in the same season.

No matter who likes it or doesn't like it. You want equality, you get equality. Now live with it.
Starman said:
Because the judge is a gosh darn idiot. It's simple. Play all sports, regardless of gender, in the same season.

No matter who likes it or doesn't like it. You want equality, you get equality. Now live with it.
While that is a great example of Starman justice (and yes, we agree the doddering old fork is a gosh darn idiot), playing all sports in the same season is not always feasible for coaching, faciities, officials or any or all of the above.
And since there is going to be split seasons between boys and girls, the judicial system can't cherry pick the sports to appease litigants. What's next? If all soccer is played in the fall, does a girls' team sue to play on the school's stadium field on Friday nights because the football team gets to? And if the girls soccer team gets to, why not the boys?
Where does it end?
And Dixiehack, I had heard that the Georgia association is just dumb as rocks. But then again, so is the national federation, if for the sole reason that it made the Alabama guy head of the federation for the year,
If those whiny moms win, I hope they also enjoy the low-quality, stringer-written briefs without photos in the papers for the girls state championship games because the staff-written articles in highly-visible locations and staff-photographed colored pieces will be for the boys games from the same night.
Hank_Scorpio said:
Ace said:
Sounds like the ones complaining that their daughter's volleyball team didn't get as much ink as the football team and hadn't we heard of Title IX?

Be glad you only got a phone call about that. In Michigan, a group of whiny moms sued the state association to try to get girls' basketball and volleyball season switched. They won at the district level, but there have been several appeals.

It happened in Virginia. Used to be girls hoops in the falll and volleyball in the winter. Parents sued and now it's reversed.
Bud_Bundy said:
Hank_Scorpio said:
Ace said:
Sounds like the ones complaining that their daughter's volleyball team didn't get as much ink as the football team and hadn't we heard of Title IX?

Be glad you only got a phone call about that. In Michigan, a group of whiny moms sued the state association to try to get girls' basketball and volleyball season switched. They won at the district level, but there have been several appeals.

It happened in Virginia. Used to be girls hoops in the fall and volleyball in the winter. Parents sued and now it's reversed.

It did, but one of the reasons the lawsuit won was because the biggest classification played hoops in the winter and v-ball in the fall, while the lower two classifications played v-ball as a winter sport with girls' bb in the fall. Many saw it as a logistical nightmare. Especially in some counties where there was a large school and a small school.

BTW: I don't know if it has ever been pointed out, but the spell check wants to change girls' to girl's.
Expendable: wasn't the suit brought on by the parents of a kid who lost her last season of eligibility because she went from a small school to a big school? I kind of recall that, but I can't say for sure.
I believe it was. Details are sketchy now, but if I recall correctly, I think it was a case involving a tennis player somewhere in the Tidewater area.

I believe all sports should be played in their respective traditional seasons, but I don't fully buy that it's a Title IX issue. In the case of the Virginia schools, however, a child shouldn't be punished because he/she had to move when a parent receives a transfer from the James River High School district in Buchanan to the James River High School district in Chesterfield.
In that instance, it would be a Title IX violation.
But if Virginia played all girls bkb in one season and all volleyball in another, it would not be a violation.
I believe the reason the small schools did it that way was because they only had the one basketball coach for both teams, and ditto volleyball. At the larger schools, that wasn't an issue. I know they false-started on moving girls tennis from fall to spring because a lot of even the bigger schools only had one coach for both. They figured out how to do it, I guess, because that's the way now.

Soccer probably should be a fall sport here, but football wields a mighty sword and the football coaches don't want soccer teams tearing up their fields. So soccer is a spring sport, which apparently is retarding the growth of lacrosse somewhat (though it's picking up speed now).
Starman said:
slappy4428 said:
Starman said:
Hank_Scorpio said:
Ace said:
Sounds like the ones complaining that their daughter's volleyball team didn't get as much ink as the football team and hadn't we heard of Title IX?

Be glad you only got a phone call about that. In Michigan, a group of whiny moms sued the state association to try to get girls' basketball and volleyball season switched. They won at the district level, but there have been several appeals.

They will, ultimately, win.

All the doom-and-gloom caterwauling (not enough gyms, not enough refs, every school will have to drop basketball, yadda yadda)  by the MHSAA and the status-quo diehards is bullshirt. Forty-nine other states do it the other way. It can be done.
But why should it be?
Just because everyone else does it this way, doesn't mean it's right. Other states, four I can think of, did it this way until recent years.
There is no discrimination here. They get their own seasons, there is no conflict with gym time.
The whiny moms sued and lost because they sued under the 14th amendment, when they should have sued under Title IX. Since the Department of Justice ruled the TIME of year a sport is played is not grounds for discrimination, the MHSAA should win/
The original argument wasnt over gym time, it was that it denied them an opportunity for scholarships. College coaches love it because they can see the players in seasons opposite their own and have sent in briefs to that effect. The MHSAA has no obligation to provide a schedule that is convenient for AAU teams.
It is far from bullshirt.

No other states do it that way now -- Michigan is the lone holdout. And yes, if EVERYONE else does it the other way, it DOES mean that they are right. The other states have all switched when faced with certain defeat in court, as Michigan is now.

Directly comparable boys and girls sports -- baseball/softball included -- should be played at the same time of year. Regardless of how convenient it is or seems to be for anyone.

Equal opportunity, or lack thereof, for both genders.

I hope when the courts finally order the change, they do it on about August 15, and they order it to be implemented IMMEDIATELY, that is, right that minute.

Leave it up to the MHSAA, they'll deck around with it for another 25 years. They could be ordered by the Supreme Court to make the change, and claim they need 6-8 years to "properly prepare and implement" the change. Baloney. You've known it was coming for 10 years. Everybody else does it. Shut up, quit stalling and make the change.

That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. If you want to say majority should rule, fine, but don't say just because everyone else is doing it, it's right. Assanine.

You think this is discriminatory? Wait until boys and girls hoops have to share the gym. Who's gonna get the court first, or at the best time? Boys or girls? The boys, who've practiced immediately after school for 40 years, are now going to have to come back at 6:30 because the girls bitched about practice time not being fair either.

It ain't forking broke, so get your dirty hands off it.

That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. If you want to say majority should rule, fine, but don't say just because everyone else is doing it, it's right. Assanine.

You think this is discriminatory? Wait until boys and girls hoops have to share the gym. Who's gonna get the court first, or at the best time? Boys or girls? The boys, who've practiced immediately after school for 40 years, are now going to have to come back at 6:30 because the girls bitched about practice time not being fair either.

It ain't forking broke, so get your dirty hands off it.

Tough shirt for the boys' team. It isn't 1952 any more. Deal with it.

Most schools have two gyms. Games always trump practices. Varsity teams get first pick of gym time, JV get second, freshman get third. Is that really so hard to figure out?

The only way to solve it really equitably is to order complete schedule equality for all sports, and anybody who doesn't like it can go pish off.

As we've said, it will become academic in the next 10 years anyway, as high school sports wither away and are replaced by 12-month AAU teams, playing 150 games and practicing 200 days a year. Once that happens, the volleyball mommies and NBA daddies will have to pay for equality out of their own pockets.
I'd agree that games trump practices, varsity trumps JV, etc. However, many schools don't have two gyms. My issue is, who gets first pick, boys or girls? How is that decided? Coin flip? Whichever team is better?

In no way is the playing season discriminatory. It's not like they make the girls play outside. This is just another case of some idiotic parents thinking their shirtty little bench-warming daughter didn't get a college scholarship because Michigan has different seasons, instead of realizing their daughter is a shirtty little bench warmer.

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