As a current soccer and baseball official, I want to comment on this.
All of you are right about this in saying we should be named. We're not anonymous. In most associations, you wear a number on your sleeve to identify you. There's a reason for that. You should be accountable for everything you do on the field. From the way you handle yourself to the calls you make, you're part of the game and up to critism, even in the local rag.
The association that is protesting this is about the most unprofessional I've heard of.
If I was "called out" in the paper, I wouldn't care. Because I would have made the right call, even if people disagree with it.
Now, most of us don't want to talk to the media and will refuse a request for an interview about most things. I will discuss my calls with the players and coaches on the playing field, but I won't discuss them with the media and the fans. If the participants want to say why I did something, that's fine, but I leave it on the field.
In a generic call, you shouldn't even mention the official. He was called out at the plate. Ruled foul by the umpire. Etc.
You did the right thing. If you want, tell them to call me and I'll tell them to fork off. They give all officials everywhere a bad name.