There's this paragraph, which comes up short of explaining a key factor in this mess:
Regional sports networks have been bleeding money in recent years, as viewers have dropped their cable TV subscriptions in favor of streaming. That has led to slumping revenue and shortfalls against the massive, long-term broadcasting deals networks have made with pro sports leagues.
That is FAR from the whole story. Truth is that five or six years ago, Diamond's RSNs stubbornly and short-sightedly priced themselves out of carriage on top streaming services YouTubeTV and SlingTV. Can you imagine how much revenue they would have brought in at say, $2 a month ($24 a year) in carriage fees from the millions of YTTV and Sling viewers all these years? Instead, they told YouTube and Sling to pound sand.
The two have more than 9 million subscribers between them. Under my made-up fee number, that'd be $18 million a month or $216 million a year -- more than $1 billion over five years, with pretty much zero added expense to the RSNs. Plus, ad rates (maybe even subscriber numbers) would have gone up.
That makes this one of the most boneheaded decisions in TV history. The people who ran Fox regionals and now Diamond might even be stupid enough to be newspaper publishers.