Well-Known Member
Yeah, I talked with Jack for about an hour and Sam for about 45 minutes and Eric for 20ish. Had loads on content outside of the main article to run. I think Jack's book on Lagers should be out soon.Nice article! They are good guys. I don't know them well, but Jack's wife Abby (hence the name "Jack's Abby") is actually a friend of my wife's -- they used to work together. Their dad was their main investor from what I understand, but they've really taken it and run with it and put out an exceptional product and created a fantastic company and done great things civically as well. Downtown Framingham still has its challenges, but JA staying in Framingham when they outgrew their original space, refurbishing all that industrial space downtown to expand their brewing operations and opening their Beer Hall has made a tremendous difference. And they've done a lot of charitable activity as well. I wish they could have kept their Springdale line going (and I still have a couple of cans of the Springdale Brigadeiro Stout in my beer fridge) but I could understand why they needed to dedicate additional physical space to the JA brand and to the contract brewing they're doing for Night Shift and others.
They also make a lot of Night Shift's beers now. The day I was there they had the NS brewing team there to discuss SOPs and run through back end lab work.
Yeah, a bunch of NY kids from an ice making business moving to Boston and becoming the official craft beer of the Celtics is pretty funny.