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She's in a DIAPER, dammit

And of course, with that headline, you can't help but open this thread...:)

What an embarrassment. Let's hope she realizes it when she sees it all over social media.

Gives new meaning to people feeling entitled to say, literally, anything these days. There are no filters, no thoughtfulness, no care, professionalism or effort put into anything just because...That's oftentimes how it seems, anyway.
I think the word is "shame." More and more people are completely lacking in shame, and don't care if they look like cretins to other people.

In fact, they wear it like a badge of honor, and I have no idea why.

heck of a way to go through life.
Go into the airport with an attitude of bemusement and whimsy and no matter what happens, you get a front-row seat into viewing people at their basest. I love it.
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People should treat airports and airplanes like the end zone. Act like you've been there before.
I haven't flown since 2012 and I'm probably going to have to get on a plane to North Carolina in a few weeks. Problem is I now weigh 280 lbs., and not a chiseled 280 at that. I'm genuinely contemplating driving 9-plus hours instead of being squeezed into an airline seat.
Flying makes people batshirt crazy. I wish I understood why ...
A couple of months ago at an airport not far from you (I think), my wife and I got there sorta-way-too-early and were lounging around a gate down the way from ours. About an hour before we were to board, I noticed a commotion down the way and then saw lots of folks with their smartphones held high. Hmmmm, thought I, I believe I'll just stay right where I am.

Turns out some lady had been having a very loud phone conversation and someone asked her to tone it down. Tilt. Absolute meltdown at a bajillion decibels.

Her time in the airport ended with her being strapped down to one of those wheelchairs and hauled off by security. "NOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" we heard as she was rolled down the concourse.

Like you, I can't fathom how people behave that way. Had someone asked me to tone down a phone conversation, I would have been mortified ... and I would have complied licketty split.
Like you, I can't fathom how people behave that way. Had someone asked me to tone down a phone conversation, I would have been mortified ... and I would have complied licketty split.

I mean, doesn't that make sense? In what world could they possibly think that throwing a tantrum would end well for them?
I don't even make eye contact in airports. Especially since I know there's probably someone getting pissy at me for having the gall to travel with children.

When I traveled for work (and drank), I loved airports. I'd get there early and get shirtfaced at the bar closest to my gate, and then sleep the entire flight. It was awesome.
I don't even make eye contact in airports. Especially since I know there's probably someone getting pissy at me for having the gall to travel with children.

When I traveled for work (and drank), I loved airports. I'd get there early and get shirtfaced at the bar closest to my gate, and then sleep the entire flight. It was awesome.

Pretty sure this is how my Dad did it, via the Delta "Crown Room" (I can't call it Sky Club) in Atlanta. He'd come home from trips all the time with cocktail napkins signed by wrestlers and other athletes he ran into there, and I imagine it was easier to chat them up with a drink.

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