I think about my grandmother, who sent all three of her boys off to war, and what she went through. I can't imagine.
They all came home.
My grandpa and his brother served in Europe and there's a newspaper clipping from the local paper in July of 1945 that their parents received word the two had a reunion in "Salesburg, Australia" and that it was the first time they'd seen each other in four years. I'm sure great-grandma was quite confused about why her boys had ended up Down Under. I wonder if I can write in and still get a correction on that one.
Grandpa was in the 90th Recon and some parts went to Utah Beach on DDay and the others came few days later. He got a Silver Star for actions in Hof, Germany, in mid-April of '45, near the end of the war. He of course never talked much about the actual war aspects of being in the Army, but loved talking about all the other soldiers. He was my dad's dad but he talked more in-depth to my mom and she said the only thing he ever said about the Silver Star, which he got for taking out a machine gun nest, was that it wasn't right he got a medal for killing someone's sons. His farm was on a lake and he always had nightmares in his sleep about German soldiers coming on shore.
I've mentioned his old captain on the board here before. Grandpa was first lieutenant and he always spoke so much about his captain, who was killed in February of '45. Six years ago I finally tracked down that man's son, who had been a few years old when his dad died though he had no memory of him. I sent him an article I wrote where grandpa mentioned his dad. We connected on the phone and he was so grateful to talk to me and I in exchange learned so much from him. He had been to France several times to towns where the 90th Recon had been and the residents still treated those soldiers and their families with reverence for saving them. I still want to get over there at some point. A few months later I got an email from his daughter telling me her dad had died from cancer that he had battled for awhile. I had no idea as he never mentioned it and she said our calls and emails had brightened his life in his final months. I tracked down another guy in the 90th recon whose dad got a Bronze Star on the same day and in the same town that grandpa got his Silver and we've exchanged some nice messages too.
In grandpa's final months in hospice he finally opened up to me a bit more though again it was mostly to talk up his men. But he did say the only way to survive over there without losing your mind was to accept that you were going to die and just go on doing what you were doing until it happened. "Otherwise you'd go goofy."
The one guy I wish I'd known more about from grandpa was a pro golfer named Lloyd Mangrum. He served in the 90th Recon and won the 1946 U.S. Open. There are quite a few questions about his military service and what he all actually did and when he was actually wounded but there's no question he served with valor. Would have loved to talk to grandpa about him. Saw his name on a list of a reunion grandpa went to once for his unit. I asked my dad if grandpa had ever mentioned serving with a future U.S. Open winner and he said, "Oh, yeah. He did say there was a good golfer with them."
Thanks for asking some followup questions, Dad.