I love all of you. (As far as I know. )
I'll update on my end. A year ago, after posting this thread, I had a very bad physical with my doctor. Sweating, ridiculous heart rate and high blood pressure, just scared all the way around. Terrified. And that was because I wanted to ask for something to help anxiety but was still so afraid to ask. I felt like a complete failure.
Doc said, "Hey man, in here you can ask anything." I said I had anxiety issues.
He prescribed meds, which were similar to my wife's. We talked more, tweaked the meds over a couple of visits, and, well, I feel sooooooo much better. I think, in the grand scheme of this world, my meds are pretty light. But, motherforker, they helped. They really did. They really DO.
Not too long ago, I broke down to my wife. Late in the night, in bed, in the dark and with a lot of tears, I let it all out. I struggle very badly with a feeling that nothing I do is good enough. That none of it is worth anything. It's a daddy issue, for sure. I've always felt that I'm good at the wrong things, things that certainly don't make money. I'm not the successful engineer that he is/was. I'm a forking writer. And while I don't have that fully reconciled, I definitely feel like I better understand it. I still had a moment last week where I succumbed to his bidding, but recognized it later that night and felt strong in that I wouldn't make the same decision/acquiesce again. I'm growing. I'm 48, but growing, and that, in some moments, EXCITES me.
I think I'd still like to talk to someone and I haven't yet found the best path to that, but I'm I'm better. I don't pick out trees on the side of the road to drive into anymore (yeah, that scared me).
I've written some things in the last year that, honestly, I've really liked. That's hard for me. But I've gotten a decent amount of praise for those things. (OK, fine, I've gotten an immense amount of praise for those. I still suck at taking compliments.) I wish I could list the people by name here who have made me feel so much better about myself, but I know that's probably taboo. (fork it...Mike Croley has been a godsend to me.)
Again, I love all of you who participated in this thread and within any other in which I've posted. Y'all are so smart and strong. Thank you.
More later.