DC fans aren't a treasure.
Years ago, on an otherwise beautiful day, I went to a Nationals game when the Yankees were in town. A delightful young man a few seats down from me, all the way out in the centerfield stands, and his equally delightful female companion decided to loudly voice their dislike of Derek Jeter, mainly by screaming "Derek Jeter has herpes!" and "Derek Jeter gives herpes to the women he forks!" over and over and laughing hysterically like they were the wittiest people in the stadium. A family - in Nats gear - with young kids was sitting behind him and after a few innings of this, the dad very politely and nicely asked them to tone down their language because there were kids around. The woman took great exception to being admonished, told the dad to shut up, and kept at it. The dad got an usher, who told them to watch their language. They subbed "bangs" for "forks." That immediately got them the boot.
And back in the early aughts, a friend whose family had Redskins season tickets for like 30 years got vomited on in consecutive weeks while sitting in their family seats. After years of shirtty football, in a lousy stadium and sitting in awful traffic both ways, that was the nail in the coffin and they gave up the tickets.