So, let me get this straight...Decent story from NBC News that includes some of Baker's back story (a musician who turned to a life of BLOGS! when COVID hit), him explaining some comments that have been brought up ("What part of me being a libertarian do you not understand? I don't like either side"), and what his strategy moving forward is (it depends on the judge ashigned to the case whether he'll plead guilty and get it over with or try to fight it at a trial).
Story also talks about some of the other journalists who were there who have been arrested (or not) that day.
Musician and libertarian writer who works for 'The Blaze' arrested on Jan. 6 charges
This guy has no journalistic training. No education, no professional experience. He shows up on Jan. 6 with a cellphone and films what he sees. He also offers commentary, including some that seems to support the behavior of those invading the Capitol.
I don't care who he works for now. I don't care what he's done in the days after Jan. 6. It is immaterial.
This guy was not a professional journalist. He was not credentialed on Jan. 6. He was not even a former journalist doing independent work.
He's just a guy. This is someone pretending to be a journalist in an attempt to avoid the consequences of his actions on Jan. 6.