Well-Known Member
1. Regarding your first paragraph, you obviously don't know the meaning of the word "systemic." If you actually bothered to read my first post, you would see that I said that the situation was not nearly as bad as self-serving activists claim. BTW, have you noticed that during this entire discussion of "systemic racism," nobody gives any credit to the Civil Rights Movement for accomplishing anything? You don't think that's more than a little suspicious?
2. Regarding your second paragraph, if you don't want to be insulted, then don't insult other people. Otherwise, you will get what you deserve -- in spades.
Seriously, you shouldn't be talking down to anyone. The loudmouthed aggrieved white man with talking points from Breitbart doesn't impress anyone.
The Civil Rights movement made progress that Republicans have worked diligently to strip away. The Voters Rights Act has been demolished to the point where a Trump official just called voters rights part of a dangerous liberal agenda. But I guess since it was once passed everything is just fine now.