I was clueless, until I found out from my newspaper.
At the time, I was working in my first internship -- voluntary, for the clips, contacts and experience -- at a local afternoon newspaper during the daytime/early night hours, while also working in a graveyard-shift job as a clerk/cashier at an AM/PM mini-market/gas station. So, I had slept for a few hours after getting off work, and before going into the paper. I strolled into the office at about 1 p.m., or so, if I recall, completely oblivious to what had happened.
We had one of those old-style "books" of each recent edition of the paper laid out on a back counter in the newsroom that everyone used for future reference, to look things up, and, as in my case that day, just to glance through the latest news and take a quick look at the the headlines.
As I pashed by that counter on the way to my desk, I stopped to take a look at that day's edition, which had just printed an hour or so earlier and I hadn't seen it at all. Well, I took one look at the front page and was stopped in my tracks by the 72-point head and the picture of the explosion that probably everybody ran that day. I remember just saying, "Oh, my god..." in disbelief. The news editor, whose desk was situated nearby just went, "Yep...What? You didn't know? "
No, I hadn't seen or heard anything about it. It truly was a shocking thing to, essentially, wake up to.