Tell your publisher he'll have to buy wireless laptops for all your writers and stringers, so they can file directly from game sites the second games get over. Interviews, quotes? Forget it. No time.
Tell him you have a 50-50 shot to get in national events which start at 7 p.m. Eastern time, but no chance in heck to get anything later.
Tell him you can look forward to getting absolutely no phone reports from most prep events, since your phone cutoff time is going to have to be set no later than 9:45, most coaches don't get out of the locker room until then, and most won't call the next day to report day-old scores.
Tell him you're really sorry about all this, you wish you could tell him something different, but you're not God and you can't alter the space-time continuum, so if he is dead-set on a 10:15 p.m. deadline, that's how it's going to be.