For starters, to which parents do I compare? The 25-year-old mom who tended house and cooked three meals a day and the 30-year-old dad who worked a regular job at one of the plants in town and worked a weekend swing shift at a plant 30 miles away? Or the 40-year-0ld CPA mom with her own small practice and the 45-year-old dad with a small tool-and-die shop? Or any other set of circumstances, attractive or no, at other points in their lives?
Like the time when I was about 5 and they discovered that after the week's groceries had been bought and the week's bills paid, they had a quarter left over ... which they argued over for a week (mom wanted to buy a couple spools of thread, dad wanted to be able to get coffee during breaks at work). Or the time in the late '70s when my dad knew of a potential customer in Fort Worth (irony of ironies) and they: 1) flew first clash into DFW; and 2) got shipfaced on the plane while waiting out some delay or another on their return flight. This being not five years after they'd hauled a pop-up camper (sans air conditioning) for a week at Myrtle Beach, during which they'd splurged on ... a six-pack of beer.