Well-Known Member
Day to day? Absolutely (I make more in a year than they did in a presidency plus), they (and my grandparents) busted their ash*s so I would have the opportunity to go to college and law school. I tell my boys about how dinner at Happy Steak was a huge deal, they never went out or spent frivolously. At one time they had accumulated 2 homes and 10 rentals (we've liquidated now). I'm so proud of what they accomplished with one HS degree between one immigrant and a HS dropout from Idaho.
I don't have that many properties but am not complaining in the least. At the end I might catch them but I don't know (kids out of college helps)..
Happy Steak! Home of the Golden Spud. And something about their rolls, too.
I actually found an obit for the company's founder:
Beryle Burns Obituary (2010) - Modesto, CA - Modesto Bee
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