I will see if I can better explain using my senators as examples.
Strip off the varnish and Katie Britt and Tommy Tuberville are pretty much the same ideologically. Occasionally I like to think that Britt doesn't mean all the harsh things she says but is going with the flow to stay in office and get something done. That's probably me being wishful more than reality, but she does actually put in work, owing to her roots as a Chamber of Commerce Republican. Conservative, but with a purpose of wanting to shape policy and help her state.
Tommy Tuberville is government by meme. He absolutely would have gone off half-cocked at a press conference and picked an unnecessary fight the way you described. Back in Washington, he regards his most important job as getting Fox News interviews and sound bites. The people on the ground here trying to do economic development work mostly have to hope the can get everything done through Britt.
You're a conservative. You tell me which one is more likely to pull off the things you want to see done from government?