Today, I received not one but TWO calls from a girls soccer mom two counties over from us (about 45 miles away). Their team is supposed to be travelling to face our team in the quarterfinal round of the state playoffs Saturday. Problem is, visiting team has their prom Saturday. They tried to get the home school's coach, AD and principal to move the game to Friday (or at least early Saturday afternoon), but they wouldn't budge.
Soccer moms from two counties over are calling us asking us to write a story about it and how their girls' lives are being ruined (they've already bought dresses, this is an important moment in their lives, etc.). All this despite the fact that they have their own paper in that county.
While I feel bad for the girls, us writing a story isn't going to do anything to change the game time. Also, from a business standpoint, I'm not going to tick off the locals who actually subscribe to our paper at the request of people who live more than an hour away.