HanSenSE said:
Mark's post reminds me of something that happened a few years ago.
The senior trip to Disneyland was scheduled the day before the league finale in baseball, with the bus leaving during Thursday practice. The coach made it clear: If you're not at practice Thursday, you're not playing Friday. A few made the trip and didn't play, and the team won with reserves mostly in the lineup.
Couple of hours before deadline, parent sends me an email asking if I could mention what happened in my story. I didn't, and sent him a note suggesting a letter to the editor. He wrote it ... and got fried by the readership. Of course, still don't understand why the parent would want me to make a fuss out of the team winning without their spawn in the lineup as usual?
We often hear how the value of sports is to teach youth values and life lessons, not just go chase a ball around.
To me, one of the lessons is about teamwork and sacrifice. If you commit to something, see it through, don't just bail when it becomes inconvenient. Other teammates are counting on you.
Now, I don't have a problem with coaches/administrators attempting to avoid schedule conflicts. But I guess sometimes these conflicts are unavoidable. Well, life is full of conflicts.