Keystone said:
stix said:
Swear to God, a colleague of mine took a call from a baseball coach (a COACH, mind you) one night.
He was going through the box score and getting each player's numbers and asked the coach if a specific player had scored any runs.
The coach says, "What counts as a run? When the player gets to home?"
He was dead serious. True story.
Once covered a prep football game and a kid rushed for 200 yards and scored two touchdowns. He had a quite a game, too, on special teams; he returned two kickoffs for TDs and had about 250 yards in returns.
Coach bitches at my editor the next morning, claiming the kid rushed for 450 yards and four TDs, which would've been some sort of state record and demanded a correction. When I came in later, I gave the SE my play-by-play and he went through it. When he discovered the 450 was actually all-purpose yards, he called the coach back and called him a moron in so many words.
I apologize in advance for the length of this story, but I feel it's relevant. And I may have posted this on some other thread a while back, so if you've read it, sorry again.
At my first job out of college I covered a small high school. In one of their football games, it was basically these two opposing running backs carrying the ball down the field for touchdowns on consecutive series over and over and over. At the end of the game, the stringer for Big Town Daily an hour down the road, for which the visiting team was local, asks me what I've got for rushing yards on those two RBs. I ended up with something like 280 for one and 290 for the other, which was pretty mashive and added up to a little under 600 combined yards.
The next day I come in to the office and see Big Town Daily's edition has a story that has these two kids combining for something like 725 yards. At first I freaked out thinking I made a mistake, but I went back and went over my play-by-play, added up everything four or five times and still came nowhere near making up for a missing 150 yards. When my editor came in, I showed him my math and we agreed it was probably a mistake on the Big Town Daily's part. By Monday, one of the state's big papers' preps guru points out this is a new state record for rushing yards in a game between opposing running backs, and by Tuesday when I worked next, I had several emails and voice mails complaining I shortchanged the kids and ruined their glorious moment and all that. By then the executive editor then heard a complaint about it and, in not so many words, told me I was probably wrong and to correct it. So on Tuesday I go out to the school and talk to the coach, who says he watched the video and, yes, it was 725 yards but, no, he cannot show me the video. Please? No, our policy is not to share game video with the media, he say. I should point out that we were the only paper that regularly covered them and Big Town Daily only ever swooped in when one of their core coverage teams traveled up that way.
Being young and naive, I half trust the coach, who was a decent guy. I go back to my editors, tell them what he said and they agree I must have been wrong. I write a column the next day on the topic, saying the coach backed those numbers up and congrats on the state record, and the next time I go out to the school, a few parents thank me for handling that so professionally, which was sort of nice considering I was furious over this inside.
Eventually it blows over, but about six months later I happen to talk to Big Town Daily's SE for the first time and mention that story to him. He says something like, "Oh, we don't even use that stringer any more because every week he had some giant error in his stories. You were probably right." A small victory.
Then, about a year ago - which is probably five years after that all happened - I Google that RB I covered wondering if he ever went on to play college football. One of the first results is a video of every rush of that game, and in the description it says, "This is what 725 yards and a state record looks like," or something to that effect.
I watch the video and add up every single rushing yard, and it turns out I was right all along as the rushing yards, even adding in an extra yard or two here and there because I can't see all the lines in a grainy video, I'm within a few yards of what I wrote in my original gamer.