I think I've posted about this issue in this thread before ...
We have several sister papers that are weeklies and we share content with them. No big deal, right? We've had this model in place for years.
But the publisher at my hometown paper, for one reason or another, hates me. I emailed her and some other editors in our company a link to a story I wrote about the community college in this area bringing back sports. I said they could run it, just put my name on it and it'd be all peachy keen.
Well, it wasn't. The hometown paper's publisher changed/added ONE damn thing to my story and took my name off it, passing it off as a generic company staff report. I emailed the hometown paper's publisher, asking her to put my name back on my story, but she never responded. Even stopped by the office, but she supposedly wasn't there that day, even though her vehicle was parked out front and someone I know said she had been there.
So I emailed my publisher and editor, who's on vacation. Publisher didn't do shirt, except to tell me to wait till our editor gets back from vacation.
This shirt pisses me off to no end. I get that we have an agreement, or whatever, with the smaller papers in our chain. I really do understand that. But that doesn't give them the right to take people's bylines off stories they use.
The publisher in question has done this to me in the past. She once took a preview I wrote on one of the wrestling teams in our area -- the one school they cover, FWIW -- wrote a few grafs lead-in and slapped her name at the top. I emailed her the next day and said she had plagiarized me. Her response? I didn't know that was your story. Bullshirt.
I think what pisses me off in this instance is I went to my publisher, thinking he would take care of it for me. But no.
Other than waiting for the editor to come back to work Monday, anyone got any suggestions?