I have my resume online through a simple geocities account (part of yahoo!).
They work.
I got one job by sending my link to the managing editor even though the job ad specifically asked for a hard copy of resumes.
I then got my next job in similar fashion. I inquired about the gig and sent along a link to my site. Then I officially applied via e-mail stating I'd send my resume UPS the next day. The managing replied "don't worry about it, we've seen your stuff."
My online resume has 10 clips, five samples of page design and soon will have a photos section. It also has my resume, with every single previous employer listed, including all print, Internet writing, radio and freelance gigs. And it has a feedback section where I've posted reference letters, letters from readers (good and bad!) and thank you letters from editors after freelance work.
Pages at geocities are pretty easy to build, it's sort of like using Quark.