Matt Stephens
Well-Known Member
Just go to, upload, then paste the url over here.Rhody31 said:HandsomeHarley said:Only when I have to, and since they traded the broken "good" office camera for a point-n-shoot with no manual focus, I refuse to shoot sports.
As far as your pics above, they're all right to begin with, but one thing I learned when shooting and placing photos is this (don't ever forget it): "Real people doing real things."
Otherwise, shoot the "standing still" shots to have something to fall back on, but begin to challenge yourself. One thing I do/did, in shooting baseball or softball, for instance, is focus the camera on a base and then shoot like hell as a runner is moving to that base. Shooting the pitcher is another easy one, because they don't move from your frame much, so you can manual focus on the mound/circle (Please, DO NOT EVER CALL IT A MOUND IN SOFTBALL).
Football, volleyball and basketball? I leave those to the pros. Volleyball is doable, just focus the camera on the setter or server and hope for the best.
Football and basketball are fairly easy to shoot because you can follow the ball; you have to have the right camera and a good lens.
Volleyball I haven't figured out yet. Our lenses are too big and our cameras don't work well in our poorly lit gyms.
Is there a way to load photos from my computer in posts? Wanted to post some shots for the thread, but couldn't figure it out.
As far as volleyball goes, being the SE of a university daily for two years that always has a Top 15 program with 16 consecutive NCAA Tournament berths (GO RAMS!), I can tell you this:
Ninety-nine out of 100 volleyball photos are either a block attempt at the net or a dig by the libero.
We didn't use the same photo twice during my two years as SE, but we might as well have gone to game one and ran the same shot all year. Nothing against our photogs, they were amazing, that's just how the sport works.