beardown said:
If this case goes to a jury, the Tribune loses a probable eight-figure verdict.
The Tribune then wins on appeal. It then gets settled out of court.
People wonder why the media is villified by the general public. It's because we laud the First Amendment as a virtuous right and use it as a sword to cut down any who spots a error. Then we seem too aloof to sincerely admit mistakes -- rush to deadline? Calling the wrong person a child molester is poor journalism and reckless. Sorry just doesn't cut it.
I'll fight to the death for first amendment rights. But this one stinks.
Poor journalism, absolutely. Careless, irresponsible, inexcusable. But malicious and reckless? The Trib could argue that it's not the first time THIS Eddie Johnson/former NBA player was confused with THAT Eddie Johnson/former NBA player (therefore showing it's a reasonable mistake). They could show that Johnson still has his job, and therefore hasn't suffered any damages.
Johnson, on the other hand, has nothing to lose by pursuing this--the retraction and apology probably didn't make headlines, but this lawsuit did. So even if he doesn't win a cent, even if the case never goes to trial, he still gets the publicity that can only help clear his name. Nothing wrong with that.