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El Sid ripped

write then drink said:
slappy4428 said:
SockPuppet said:
I'm sure his old pal Bob Knight will send Sid a letter of support.
I remember one time in the Metrodome for a UM-UM game. We're interviewing lloyd Carr in the hallway for postgame; Sid strolls up with his tape recorder and microphone, starts his own personal interview finishes and walks away -- leaving the local guys shaking their heads and the Michigan guys saying what the fork is he doing,...
ok, i don't know this guy, and he sounds like a jerk

but ... what exactly did he do wrong here? interview Lloyd Carr on his own away from the group interview? that's a bad thing?
No, he walked up in the middle of the group interview, right in front of Lloyd and started "I'm standing here taking with Michigan coach Lloyd Carr.." and started asking his own questions... Basically ignored the rest of the pack, cut everyone off. He did his own 1-on-1 in the MIDDLE of the group interview... Then walked away.
I was in Minny for the Midwest Regional in '89. Metrodome situation was a total mess, disorganized, etc. It was a warmup for the F4 in, I think '91. Homer Sid wrote about how great the Metrodome situation was, how all the NCAA suits were complimentary about Minny, etc., etc., blah blah blah VOMIT. He totally ignored the problems. The day his column ran, I introduced myself and called him on it, told him how FUBARed the whole situation was, etc.
Sid Hartman outlived his usefulness, oh, about 20 years ago. He's an embarrassment to journalism, sports columnists and ... considering his crass ass behavior, the human race.
Had the displeasure a couple of times when I covered pro football. We were covering a bad team, and we were a fun group. Boy, did he hate us when we joked our way through a couple of Vikings encounters with the team we covered.

I'm not a fan, whatsoever.
slap --
Honest to god, it was.
It was a between-innings-god-this-game-sucks-where's-the-Diet-Coke? moment. He treated it like I'd run the chair over his grandchild.
not to defend him, but he comes from a different era. he was a sports writer for the old tribune (or was it the star?) at the same time he was general manager of the minneapolis lakers. i am not making this up. imagine a sports writer being a GM of a professional sports franchise today. not happening, obviously. i just read leigh montville's bio of babe ruth and there were plenty of instances in which writers made themselves part of the story. that's what they did back in the old days; they were not as objective. sid does the same thing -- he sees himself as a 'man about town' and a local mover and shaker rather than a chronicler of what happens. he's a dinosaur who hasn't learned to adapt like the few of his contemporaries who are still around. but he's survived because in some ways, he is what passes for a celebrity.

as was posted on a thread about sid a couple weeks ago here, he's pushing 90, but he'll die in a press box because he has no true friends and no life outside of journalism. i have plenty of sid stories but what stands out to me is that once the klieg lights go out, he's a miserable (but wealthy) and lonely old man.
One of the STrib's former columnists had (and I think still has) a show on KFAN in Minneapolis and he used to rip Sid every chance he got on the air. What made it funny was the fact that his co-host was Sid's son.
SockPuppet said:
That would be Dan Barreiro, who is the polar opposite of Sid "Fan Man" Hartman.

speaking of barreiro, he weighs in on his blog, on his talk radio station's web site


That's not the funny part. That's the sad part. No, the funny part _ the side-splittingly hilarious part _ is Sid's more general suggestion of mad-as-heck-outrage that any legislator would lower himself to pandering for votes.

Is there any need to fill in the punch-line here?

Any need to play the irony card? This is a guy who has built his entire career on pandering. It is the very essence of who he is and what he does. If there were a Mount Rushmore of panderers, Sid's face would be chiseled on it. To steal a line from a distant presidential campaign, he is a regular Pander Bear.

Pander to owners, to general managers, and to players by giving them whatever they want in print or on the air.

They need a shameless plug? They got it. They need a phony boost? They got it. They need a re-write of an episode in sports history to make themselves look better than they deserve? Sweetheart, get me rewrite. They need somebody to run interference for their new stadium, their new ball park, their new arena, their new summer camp, their new acquisition, they have their lap dog. It doesn't matter what the stadium deal is, they're all outstanding for the community, will end crime and maybe even cure a couple diseases.
leo1 said:
SockPuppet said:
That would be Dan Barreiro, who is the polar opposite of Sid "Fan Man" Hartman.

speaking of barreiro, he weighs in on his blog, on his talk radio station's web site


That's not the funny part. That's the sad part. No, the funny part _ the side-splittingly hilarious part _ is Sid's more general suggestion of mad-as-heck-outrage that any legislator would lower himself to pandering for votes.

Is there any need to fill in the punch-line here?

Any need to play the irony card? This is a guy who has built his entire career on pandering. It is the very essence of who he is and what he does. If there were a Mount Rushmore of panderers, Sid's face would be chiseled on it. To steal a line from a distant presidential campaign, he is a regular Pander Bear.

Pander to owners, to general managers, and to players by giving them whatever they want in print or on the air.

They need a shameless plug? They got it. They need a phony boost? They got it. They need a re-write of an episode in sports history to make themselves look better than they deserve? Sweetheart, get me rewrite. They need somebody to run interference for their new stadium, their new ball park, their new arena, their new summer camp, their new acquisition, they have their lap dog. It doesn't matter what the stadium deal is, they're all outstanding for the community, will end crime and maybe even cure a couple diseases.

hee hee... he called Mr. Microphone a "consumate house bobo"
How did he get wealthy?

Slap, what he did was wrong but why did you guys let it happen? How come no one shouted fork into his microphone or railroaded his act?

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