That's not the funny part. That's the sad part. No, the funny part _ the side-splittingly hilarious part _ is Sid's more general suggestion of mad-as-heck-outrage that any legislator would lower himself to pandering for votes.
Is there any need to fill in the punch-line here?
Any need to play the irony card? This is a guy who has built his entire career on pandering. It is the very essence of who he is and what he does. If there were a Mount Rushmore of panderers, Sid's face would be chiseled on it. To steal a line from a distant presidential campaign, he is a regular Pander Bear.
Pander to owners, to general managers, and to players by giving them whatever they want in print or on the air.
They need a shameless plug? They got it. They need a phony boost? They got it. They need a re-write of an episode in sports history to make themselves look better than they deserve? Sweetheart, get me rewrite. They need somebody to run interference for their new stadium, their new ball park, their new arena, their new summer camp, their new acquisition, they have their lap dog. It doesn't matter what the stadium deal is, they're all outstanding for the community, will end crime and maybe even cure a couple diseases.