Contrary to many of the posts I've read where the tabs have been reduced or eliminated, ours has gone the other extreme and has grown to a 112-page square tab (magazine) with 90 percent color and we're a small (11,000 circulation) rural paper. My "staff" is myself and one full-time assistant plus one part-timer and we handle 12 high schools plus one local college and include not only 50-inch previews, but also complete roster/facts boxes, team color photos, individual spotlight photos, senior group shots, bands and cheerleaders. It is easily our paper's single largest money-maker of the year as well. Don't get me wrong, it completely beats me up for three weeks of 11-hour days, 7-days a week since I do 75 percent of the writing, 100 percent of the editing and 100 percent of the layout/design, but it is a quality product. Two of the neighboring papers pale in comparison - one is a 40-page tab and the other is a 14-page broadsheet. We also produce 40-page winter (boys/girls basketball, wrestling and swimming) and spring (baseball, sofball, boys/girls track) full color tabs as well.