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Football tabs

Did I write any complaints in the post? I described that I had to do more work on the preview before it was eliminated. No where did I say, "Wha, it was too much work!"

Go listen to Collin Cowherd and blow your steam at something else.

Sure sounded to me like you were complaining. What? You jealous of my enjoyment of Cowherd? Don't feel bad. I enjoy your fodder, too.
Contrary to many of the posts I've read where the tabs have been reduced or eliminated, ours has gone the other extreme and has grown to a 112-page square tab (magazine) with 90 percent color and we're a small (11,000 circulation) rural paper. My "staff" is myself and one full-time assistant plus one part-timer and we handle 12 high schools plus one local college and include not only 50-inch previews, but also complete roster/facts boxes, team color photos, individual spotlight photos, senior group shots, bands and cheerleaders. It is easily our paper's single largest money-maker of the year as well. Don't get me wrong, it completely beats me up for three weeks of 11-hour days, 7-days a week since I do 75 percent of the writing, 100 percent of the editing and 100 percent of the layout/design, but it is a quality product. Two of the neighboring papers pale in comparison - one is a 40-page tab and the other is a 14-page broadsheet. We also produce 40-page winter (boys/girls basketball, wrestling and swimming) and spring (baseball, sofball, boys/girls track) full color tabs as well.

Do you and your assistant get paid overtime? If not, cut the damn thing down.
Contrary to many of the posts I've read where the tabs have been reduced or eliminated, ours has gone the other extreme and has grown to a 112-page square tab (magazine) with 90 percent color and we're a small (11,000 circulation) rural paper. My "staff" is myself and one full-time assistant plus one part-timer and we handle 12 high schools plus one local college and include not only 50-inch previews, but also complete roster/facts boxes, team color photos, individual spotlight photos, senior group shots, bands and cheerleaders. It is easily our paper's single largest money-maker of the year as well. Don't get me wrong, it completely beats me up for three weeks of 11-hour days, 7-days a week since I do 75 percent of the writing, 100 percent of the editing and 100 percent of the layout/design, but it is a quality product. Two of the neighboring papers pale in comparison - one is a 40-page tab and the other is a 14-page broadsheet. We also produce 40-page winter (boys/girls basketball, wrestling and swimming) and spring (baseball, sofball, boys/girls track) full color tabs as well.

I missed the obvious earlier.

Hi Fredrick!
Bite me. I didn't say I wasn't willing to do hard work. I've been doing it for 20 years. What I was complaining about was how there were idiots in the company who seemed hellbent on making this year as difficult as possible.

Any other year, under normal circumstances, I'd have been proud of what I did. Work hard? fork you. I was in this office until 4:45 in the goddamned morning Tuesday.

Well fork you, just kidding. We had two tabs, both were done in advance and supposed to be printed on a Friday night.

After working on them, along with my normal other duties I had them ready Friday by lunch and production guy was going to process the pages and send them to the press.

I leave for lunch.

Come back from lunch and discover that he had deleted the larger of the two tabs, it was 20, the other 16 pages, by mistake.

He had overwritten the second tab with the first file's name when he went to hit save.

Super careless mistake but, luckily, I had made a low-res proof for the ad reps to check their ads and we can send that.

He does, except that causes more problems on the press end, all are super technical and I won't bother ya'll with them unless you ask, so the ad director flips out and wants me, no demands that I fix it. All by e-mail, as no one ever calls and says that this huge problem exists. I'm only aware of it because I'm super weird about checking my work email my phone and she was making a return and as I waited in the parking lot, I clicked the gmail app.

Of course the only way to fix it is rebuild the section and after a miserable 60 hours at the office, I come back for more on Saturday and rebuild the entire thing and have it sent that day so it could still be in the pre-run.

Of course I got overtime! but did anyone say thank you or good job?

Nope, the ad department actually complained to the publisher about me.
Qwitcherbitchin JF! Hard work is the hallmark of a good journalist for cripes sake.
Hmmm. Ours went swimmingly. Had the cover story to design over the final six hours. Period.

I know. fork me. :)

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