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Hello Gamers

Brooklyn Bridge

Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2007
Northeast, US
I'm not much of a gamer, but am looking for some advice. I'm looking for a system for my 8 and 10 year old kids. I haven't owned a system since PS2 back in the early 2000s.

Their favorite game right now is Just Dance, played at friends' houses, but I'm thinking they're going to grow out of that and get into more challenging things.

My SO wants to get the OLED Nintendo Switch, but I'm thinking of whatever version of PlayStation we can find. And that's not including X-Box and whatever else is out there.

Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated.
I personally would go Switch for the kids. Especially if they like a game like Just Dance. You can add other games like Super Smash Bros and Mario Kart that they can play together or you as a whole family. I think it is a great system and definitely good for getting them started. They can still play things like Fortnite and stuff like that on it if they go that route. Honestly, I think it is a great system overall -- we are a multiple Switch house -- but definitely for things kids would think are fun.

For the age, I just think it will fit more. What if they end up not not liking a system or a game overall? Then you spent more than $600 for a brick. If you play it might be different. But since you haven't owned a system since the PS2, don't go with that since you don't know if you or the family will like it.

I have a PS5 and love it, but it is basically mine. My 11-year-old plays sports games and Fortnite on it, but my 8-year-old is my kid who games the most and he is on the Switch constantly. There is an element of what their friends are using and playing, but it doesn't seem like you are close to that point yet. I would say if you get a Switch and they get into it and you all start liking it more, then look to a PS5 or something down the road.
At 8 and 10, the Switch is pretty much the perfect system for them - and you, if you want to participate. Almost anything worth playing on the system is family friendly, and its portability makes it really popular with kids. There's a balance between family stuff, like Mario Party, Smash Bros., Kart, and deeper games they can sink their teeth into - Breath of the Wild (Zelda), plus some RPGs and strategy games from Squareenix.

The Playstation is a better choice in a couple years, when you're more comfortable with them playing like, Grand Theft Auto 5. Or, if you'd like a decent media center. You can run apps like Netflix and Hulu off the Playstation, and I find it to be faster than the cable box.

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