From Chuck Klosterman's "Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs"
"Like many U.S. citizens, I spend much of my free time thinking about the future of sports and the future of our children. This is because I care deeply about sports.
In the spirit of both, I've spent the last 15 years of my life railing against the game of soccer, an exercise that has been labeled as the 'sport of the future' since 1977. Thankfully, that future dystopia has never come. But people continue to tell me that soccer will soon become part of the fabric of this county, and that soccer will eventually be as popular as football, basketball, karate, pinball, smoking, glue sniffing, menustration, animal cruelty, photocopying and everything else that fuels the eroticized, hyperkinetic zeitgeist of Americana.
After the U.S. placed eighth in the 2002 World Cup, team forward Clint Mathis said, 'If we can turn one more person who wasn't a soccer fan into a soccer fan, we've accomplished something.'
Apparently that's all that matters to these idiots. They won't be satisfied until we're all systematically brainwashed into thinking soccer is cool and that placing eighth (and losing to Poland!) is somehow noble.
Not really. Dumb bunnies like Mathis will be wrong forever, and that might be the only thing saving us from ourselves.
My personal war against the so-called 'soccer menace' probably reached its peak in 1993, when I was nearly fired from a college newspaper for suggesting that soccer was the reason thousnads of Brazilians are annually killed at Quiet Riot concerts in Rio de Janeiro, a statement that is - admittedly - only half true. A few weeks after the publication of said piece, a petition to have me removed as the paper's sports editor was circulated by a ridiculously vocal campus organization called the Hispanic American Council, prompting a 'academic hearing' where I was accused (with absolute seriousness) of libeling Pele. If memory serves, I think my criticism of soccer and Quiet Riot was somehow taken as blatantly racist - although admittedly I'm not completely positive as I was intoxicated for most of the monthlong episode.
But the bottom line is that I am still willing to die a painful public death, assuming my execution destroys the game of soccer (or at the very least convinces people to shut up about it.)
According to the Soccer Industry Council of America, soccer is the No. 1 youth participation sport in the country. There are more than 3.6 million players under the age of 19 registered to play, and that number has been expanding at more than eight percent per year since 1990. There's also been a substantial increase in the number of kids who play past the age of 12, a statistic that soccer proponents are especially thrilled about. "These are the players who will go on to be fans, referees, coaches, adult volunteers and players in the future," observed Virgil Lewis, chairman of the United States Youth Soccer Association.
Certainly I can't argue with Virgil's math. I have no doubt that batttalions of Gatorade-stained children are running around the green wastelands of suburbia, randomly kicking a black-and-white ball in the general direction of tuna netting.
However, Lewis's larger logic is profoundly flawed. There continues to be this blind optimistic belief that all of the brats playing soccer in 2003 are going to be crazed MLS fans in 2023, just as it was assumed that 11-year-old soccer players in 1983 would be watching Bob Costas provide play-by-play for indoor soccer games right now.
That will never happen. We will never care about soccer in this country. And it's not just because soccer is inherently un-American, which is what most soccer haters (Frank Deford, Jim Rome, et al) tend to insinuate.
It's mostly because soccer is geared toward the Outcast Culture.