I've heard a few different origin stories on that. That's as fun as any of them.
As for the points made here about "don't mess with happiness" and "ambition" on this thread, I'll tell a sort-of-related tale.
Not long ago I surprisingly found myself in a position when I had to decide between two job offers. One was very close to home and more money, and not an insignificant amount. But I hated the culture of the place, and the workload was an absolute meat-grinder.
The second was good, but less money, farther from home. But it was a group of people I immediately liked and wasn't a completely back-breaking workload.
I picked the second and couldn't happier with my choice. I spent the 25-plus years before this filled with pure ambition and getting the "most important" job I could. It's not that I've lost ambition, but my priorities have changed a lot. I want to work hard and do a good job. And step into a larger role if it presents itself. But work isn't 75 percent of my life anymore.
Anyway, go get 'em
@exmediahack. Happiness is way underrated by too many people.