I guess I'm in the minority. Having lived in a place I hated at a job that was pretty fulfilling, and now living in a pretty desirable place but working at nowhere near my dream job, I'll much rather take the latter, and would suggest you consider doing the same.
I think I know the answer to this, but can you dial down your commitment to your current job, so that clusterforks out of your hands don't affect your physical or mental health? Could you lateral to a tolerable job in the area you now live?
Of course, staying put doesn't solve what seems like an inevitable walk-the-plank moment in your current position.
As for gambling, can you mask your location with a VPN?
All good points.
In June, when I learned I would be moved from the anchor desk into management, I sent out applications all over the area for higher-end jobs that I figured I could transition into.
0-for-84. 46 were local. 38 were remote jobs.
Humbling. Eye-opening. Discouraging. I didn't mind taking another pay cut to stay but I wasn't going to walk away and work for peanuts.
Somewhere around late October, I tried that approach of dialing it back a little. Every day I came in with a plan for the day at 1 pm (I work through the late news).
By 5 pm, every day, it was blown to bits.
Ultimately, we are told that we're being judged by how good our reporter content is.
Last night at 9, I have one reporter who doesn't understand her story — so much so that we had to kill the story as she went to the wrong TOWN and started recording her standups about what she thought had happened.
Then I have my boss calling me at that moment, asking why this reporter doesn't have a story and that I need to check on her more throughout the day.
Someone else ashigned her the story at 10 am. I have to stay on top of 7 reporters each day/night, fix all their scripting mistakes, do their digital and track each story to review with them every 2 weeks. (We're not even a small market…)
There are too many "what has happened to my career?" moments since the new ashignment.
The only place where I get more interest than before… yup, TV news. Weirdly, every manager outside of my company is sympathetic to my plight and even giving me credit for not leaving.
TV news is like porn. We all start out with big dreams. Some of us make it to stardom, fame and Ferraris. Some of us get out by 28. Others - like myself - get by at age 50 by doing gangbangs with ugly fans who win contests.
In other words, I am definitely in the Diggler-on-the-couch stage with the firecrackers going off, wondering "what the hell happened to my career?"