For most newspapers, a cut in space is a terrible thing because the news hole wasn't all that big to begin with. But in its heyday I thought reading the L.A. Times was like trying to machete my way through the Amazon jungle. Even for someone who likes newspapers, there was way too much, much of it jumping not just once, but two or three times into ad-packed pages. There was lots of good stuff there, but readers had to work hard for it. I understand the concept of "something for everyone" and that lots of people's special interests have been cut and you lose some readers that way. But also I think you lose people when the thing is thick as a phone book and hard to navigate. I'm not sure everyone's going to be displeased with a cleaner, less cumbersome paper. Even intelligent, curious people have only so much time to read a paper.
I though The Miami Herald in its prime (and a few others) had the right idea about what to do about tight news holes -- put a premium on tight editing. They still covered everything, and there was enough common sense to let a writer have some room when the story was worth it, but on everyday stuff the stories were cut ruthlessly to make every inch count. In other words, if you were told 15 inches and you wrote a great 15 inches, you got 15 inches. If you wrote a shitty 15 inches, you got eight inches so the space could be put to better use. That required desk people who were not only willing to make tough decisions, but to rework pages throughout the night to trim fat and get in more good stuff. You can put out a highly interesting, complete product with tight space, but you need a different mind-set to do it. I remember the SE telling us that if we ever did magically get more space, we were going to run more stories, not longer ones.
I think at a lot of papers we've been lazy with our resources and often indulgent when carving up the news hole to keep writers from bitching about being cut and to keep copy editors from bitching about having to read a story four times in order to make surgical cuts through tightening. Smart newspapers are going to start spending more money on copy editing -- they have to. The consolidation of major advertisers means we will never have the news holes we had a decade ago. The Internet, with no space constraints, can be flabby and long-winded, but who has time to read it all? Leaner, better-edited newspapers can save intelligent, busy people a lot of time by doing the heavy lifting for readers. We'll still be printing more than the average person can and will read, but hopefully we'll be doing it smarter.