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Let's try this again: Candidates and their qualifications...

Sort-of hard to keep them out of the loop when I have to attend drill on the weekends. Throw in a couple of deployments here and there, and it's even harder to hide.

Not that I've ever done that. *and I never did*
Cadet said:
ronalong said:
Cadet said:
Ace said:
Cadet said:
It's not always the "white male vs. everyone else" fight.

I know I've told this story on here before: I was a candidate for a job where the all-male department had been told to hire a woman. I was very qualified (and willing to work on the cheap), but the person who ended up with the job had zero experience in the field and was fresh out of college. Her only 'qualification': she was a smokin' hot former BCS school cheerleader.

It seemed as though the guys in the department felt if they had to hire a woman, they were going to make it worth their while. Obviously I wouldn't want to work at a place that hired based on appearance. But qualified women/minorities also get the shaft in relation to unqualified hires.

To be fair, I bet they would have hired the smokin' hot former cheerleader even if she hadn't gone to a BCS school.

And this is not to say that I am not smokin' hot myself, just that I would always rather be evaluated on my merits than appearance. ;)
Cadet, if you are smoking hot, would you please apply for our next job opening?

Killian's, newbie.

So she knows sports, may be smoking hot and likes Killian's. If I wasn't married, I might fall in love... :)
three_bags_full said:
You have no idea of the situation, Tom.

When I informed them of my intentions -- to leave the paper and become an Army aviator -- they laughed in my face, literally.

And, yes, I still frequent this board -- I like some of the company.

Oh, by the way, I was also conveniently relocated 70 miles away after returning from a post 9/11 deployment, which forced me to leave a management slot and find another job on the bottom floor.

What was your question, again?

you know 3 bags, i don't like you, probably never will. but to see you sit here and defend your bitterness to gold, repeatedly, was more than just a little sad.

bitterness consumes and then kills via strokin' out or just havin' your heart explode at a young age.

so you believe someone treated you like shit. so what? move on.
Crimson Tide said:
So what you're saying is that they discriminated against cheerleaders from non-BSC conferences/schools when they were hiring?

Ball State won't ever get its proper respect.
Tom Petty...

I have no problem with what 3 bags said. In fact, I sent a message to him saying I probably should have sent him an IM because it developed into a two-way conversation. I don't agree with everything 3 bags posts, but he's an OK guy. Just an exchange of ideas and maybe it got a little spirited, but no problem.

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