gingerbread said:
Inky_Wretch said:
gingerbread said:
I've read her for the past year, and found her fascinating in a Hunter S. Thompson sort of way. But I also wondered how she stayed employed, never mind how she managed to arise in the morning/afternoon to meet deadlines. Which she did, as well as post video and blog, so I guess in some ways she'd be an asset in today's climate.
I'd wager she does a lot of exaggerating, if not outright lying, about how much she "parties."
Not sure about that, since much of her writing was accompanied by self-taken pictures of the debauchery from the previous night. I can barely function the next day after a couple glasses of wine, so I admit to following her with a slight envy over how she could crawl out of bed and still write such witty, coherent copy. (I'm not in any way saying young writers should emulate her, because I'd wager she'll be on the side of Amy Winehouse someday, possibly soon.)
Unless she's posting video of every bump of coke, swallowing of a pill and smoking of a dust-laced joint, then I wouldn't buy it.
She's no different than, say, a columnist who is contrarian for contrarian's sake because that's what made him famous. She got a job because she uses drugs. So she'll be the biggest druggie the world has seen in a moronic attempt at fame and fortune.
Now that's not to say she's not an addict. And it damn sure isn't implying she's not a forking idiot. She's likely the former and absolutely the latter.