I hero worship NYT at least as much as most, and probably more, and lord knows I fork up all the time. But making that many mistakes is a serious problem.
The whole point of the project was accuracy. "ALL these people died from the virus, and see how they were real people." So many we have a wall of uninterrupted text. THAT many dead people.
Except "all these people" weren't dead from the virus so your big wall of text has holes in it, and it's no longer a big wall of text. And you fork up one of the first five or so names, one that's going to catch everyone's eye because he was in his 20s (surely why he was so high), AND, it's apparently easily Google-able that he didn't die from the virus, because I seem to have seen dozens of people who immediately did Google and disprove it.
If you can't do it accurately, don't do it. It's a really poignant design. A great way from tell the story, IMO. If you can pull it off. If you can't, it doesn't work.