Apropos of nothing, I miss running backs who used to love to punish defensive backs rather than running out of bounds. The way they lowered their shoulders and drove into the DBs not only gained them extra yards after contact, it also set up juke moves later in the game that led to bigger gains.
It seems like the part of the reason RBs are so devalued now is that they're no longer willing, able, or allowed to put in the hard yards to earn the big yards.
Derrick Henry is about the only modern RB I can think of who will punish the defense. Fournette runs pretty hard, but he's also very willing to step out early instead of gaining a couple extra yards. Is there anyone else even in this conversation?
EDIT TO EXPAND: You would think that the simultaneous decline of the middle linebacker would almost invite the return of the hard-Nosed running back. With virtually no tough guys left up the middle, one would think teams could exploit that with a Mack truck in the backfield.