She's actually their top sports anchor now. I don't really mind her. Kind of like her for the most part. A lot of her socials are like this or basically promoting herself. However with this one she went pretty out there even for her.
Still, does anyone really think this hasn't happened for eons in TV? I lived and worked in Nebraska more than 20 years ago now and every TV anchor wore red. I guess it just is what it is.
I went to CSU. I don't like CU for a lot of reasons, and honestly sports just tips that iceberg (I may have touched on some of the personal element here at one point). That said, the whole freaking area is so gaga over Deion that I just roll my eyes at this point. You should see my school's fan board. It's basically Coach Prime Light.
Also, from a media perspective, there at least traditionally have been a lot of CU types around here over the years, and behind the scenes it is very CU homerish, which is funny because as Mile High and I have said over and over about the true interest of Front Range sports, it is the Broncos first, second, third, fourth, and beyond -- and you know the TV stations really love them too. When I was just a young cub covering the 1998 CSU-CU game at Mile High when the Rams hadn't won the game in like 15 years and blew the crap out of the Buffs, that press box was not a happy place for several CU homer TV personalities, one in particular that is still on the Denver airwaves today. I am pretty sure he almost broke a table. But he didn't cheer! On a side note, the cops tear gashed the CSU students for mostly being happy for winning that game finally, and it mostly went onto the field where players still were. That was fun.
My first full-time job was in Wyoming and it was known I went to CSU (another big rival). You better believe I was as outwardly unbiased as anyone you could ever see ever!
Anyway, I don't know. It's a show for her, right? And seriously, as big as Coach Prime has been nationwide, it is more ridiculous here. It just all sort of fits.