Big Chee said:
sportschick said:
zagoshe said:
I give Steven A. a lot of credit, that was very well written.
And I couldn't help but think some of the same things because the first two NFL players suspended by the commish are black and Ricky Williams is black and in trouble. And Michael Vick is black and in some hot water. And Steve McNair just got a second DUI. And Tank Johnson is next.
That isn't to say there is a link between race and crime -- it is just an unfortunate coincidence. But there is no doubt corporate America is taking notes and every time one of these incidents happen it gets harder and harder to blame the media for the perceptions and images of black athletes
There is a link between poverty and crime though, and a higher percentage of blacks come from a background of poverty. The easiest way out of poverty is through education, and that's not valued as much as it should be or it wasn't in the "urban" school I taught at.
Maybe you were one of the few teachers that gave a damn about their students. Many teachers I've encountered in my time in "urban" schools had a half glass empty attitude towards their students. We fail to realize that kids are smart enough to know who doesn't give a damn about them, so they give that attitude back in return.
What's funny is hearing from African American elders who said their teachers, who by default were lawyers, engineers and doctors that couldn't find work because of Jim Crow, EXPECTED them to succeed. As for today, my ex-wife thinks I'm making too much of a stink over my daughters school giving them a day off as a reward for NOT fighting during the school year. If you expect our kids to screw up, I don't expect you to teach our children.
We take children in poverty-infested neighborhoods riddled with crime, violence, gangs and hopelessness. Many of them come from homes where one or both of their parents don't give a shirt, are strung out on drugs or have to work so many long hard hours just to make ends meet that they aren't able to be around in a supervisory role.
We add to that so-called community leaders, many of whom receive government grants for pscyho-babbling programs that are geared towards, well making sure they have enough clients, and they do their best to advance their agenda's by pushing school boards to make awful decisions about counseling and/or guidance programs as well as methods of discipline that aren't in the best interests of the kids.
They also find new and creative ways to make it damn near impossible for school's to discipline the really bad kids and/or hold kids accountable and you can just forget about finding ways to seperate the disruptive and or troublemaking kids, the drug dealer and gangbangers, because that's just racist or plain unfair.
We then add to that teacher's unions which have their own agenda, some of it good, some of it that's not in the kid's interests, and also making sure it is damn near impossible to raise the level of the bad teachers, even if it is by helping them out with more education and/or other forms of structured discipline.
We then add on top of all that the fact that many of the parents who do give a shirt nowadays are convinced little Johnny is an angel and will burn up the phone lines to the principals in order to complain every time they feel like their child didn't get a fair shake or was "unfairly" disciplined or didn't receive the grade they "deserved".
We throw all this together and call it our inner-city school systems and then expect our teachers to have a fighting chance to succeed and criticize them when they don't?
I have to be honest with you --- that saying about making chicken salad out of chicken shirt certainly applies here.
There are many reasons for our children's failures in education and in life, I don't consider teachers to be one of them.